The source code for the FASTA programs is available
from GitHub: branch v36.6.8
GitHub will always have the latest version of the FASTA code and the GitHub code will often be more current than the releases at the other sites (below).
Unix/MacOSX source code for the FASTA programs is available from
Versions of the program are in and
To run the FASTA programs on your own computers, you will need
to (1) download and install the programs, and (2) download some databases to search.
Older versions - A quick guide the the current versions on the FASTA download site can be found here.
The current version of the FASTA
programs is version 36, which includes
fasta36, ssearch36, fastx/y36, tfastx/y36,
prss36, prfx36, lalign36 etc. All of the fasta3 programs
can be downloaded in a single file, either as Unix/MacOSX source code
or as a Windows ZIP
archive. (The fasta3.tar.gz and fasta3/windows/ files are the same as the files in the CURRENT directory.
Version 36 of the FASTA programs includes several major
improvements: statistical estimates are much more accurate; threaded
versions of the program are more efficient; and version 36 now
includes lalign36, a program that finds multiple local alignments using
Webb Miller's sim algorithm (and implementation of the Waterman
and Eggert approach, PubMed)
In addition, FASTAv36 includes ggsearch36
and glsearch36, which perform optimal global-global and
global-local alignments and searches.
Older versions -
In the past, a complete installation of the FASTA programs
required downloading both the fasta3 and fasta2
programs, because some programs, notably lalign
and align, were available only in fasta2. Now
that lalign36 and ggsearch36 are available in
the fasta3 package, there is much less reason to
download fasta2. Nevertheless, the most recent version of
the fasta2 programs can be downloaded as Unix/MacOSX source code
or as a Windows ZIP archive
Downloading and Installing the FASTA3 programs
For Unix/Linux machines and Mac
OSX, the FASTA source
code file should be downloaded. Then:
- Uncompress and "un-tar" the
fasta3.tar.gz file. At the Unix/Linux/MacOSX command line type:
gunzip -c fasta3.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The fasta36 distribution has
Makefile 's for most
common architectures, including linux , Sun Solaris,
MacOSX (both PowerPC and Intel), freebsd , IBM/Aix,
etc. in the make/ directory. To see a list of the
possible architectures, type (at the command line):
ls -l make/Makefile.*
Once you have identified a Makefile for your machine,
e.g. linux64_sse2 (64-bit linux with SSE2), you will need to move to
the src/ directory:
cd src/
and type:
make -f ../make/Makefile.linux64_sse2 fasta36
To compile just the fasta program or:
make -f ../make/Makefile.linux64_sse2 all
To compile all the programs. The program binaries are saved in the ../bin directory.
You may encounter some warning messages, which can be ignored.
Makefiles with sse2 (e.g. Makefile.linux32_sse2, Makefile.linux64_sse2, Makefile.os_x86, Makefile.os_x86_64)
include an Intel SSE2 accelerated Smith-Waterman. These Smith-Waterman
versions are typically more than 10-15X faster than unaccelerated
versions, and can provide very fast sequence and profile Smith-Waterman searches.
Makefile.os_x is designed for older G4/G5 Mac OS machines and provides an Altivec accelerated
version of Smith-Waterman,
In addition, makefiles that include sql in their name can
be used to make versions of the programs that can read SQL databases
Once the programs are compiled, you can test whether fasta
works by typing:
../bin/fasta36 -q ../seq/mgstm1.aa ../seq/prot_test.lseg
which runs a test query sequence against a small test library.
Once the programs are compiled, you may want to copy them to a
more visible location, e.g.
/usr/local/bin or
/seqprg/bin . The easiest way to copy all the programs is
to edit the Makefile you used and specify the executable
directory in the line that starts:
XDIR=/seqprg/bin . You can then type: make -f
../make/Makefile.linux64_sse2 install to install the programs,
and make -f ../make/Makefile.linux clean-up to remove unnecessary
files from the installation directory.